Nicole Edelson
Nicole Edelson
Business Owner, Jersey Girl Chocolate
Social Media Links:
Website: Jersey Girl Chocolate
Who is Nicole Edelson?
Nicole Edelson is a mother of five, a former special educator, and a passionate advocate for children with disabilities. Growing up in Monmouth County, NJ, Nicole's heart will always be at the shore, where she spent cherished moments on the inlet in Manasquan and the Point Pleasant Boardwalk. She studied Computer Science at Marymount University in Arlington, Virginia, and later pursued graduate studies in Students with Disabilities at Georgian Court University.
Her dedication to advocacy deepened after her son was diagnosed with autism, leading her to leave the classroom to focus on his therapy and support his unique needs. Nicole's love for travel, her two rescued pit bulls, and her commitment to family are at the heart of her life in Basking Ridge, NJ. As the proud owner of Jersey Girl Chocolate LLC, Nicole strives to empower those around her and spread joy—one handcrafted chocolate at a time.
Please briefly summarize your life's journey, highlighting the significant chapters and pivotal moments.
Losing my only sibling at 14 and then my mom nine years later taught me the importance of embracing every opportunity life offers. Through marriages, children, and career changes, I’ve always tried to approach each season of my life with joy, resilience, and determination. The loss of my father was the final catalyst to live each moment to the fullest truly and to pursue my passions. Starting my own small business has been one of the most fulfilling chapters of my life, and meeting so many incredible New Jersey business owners along the way has made this journey even more special. It feels like just the beginning, and I’m excited for what’s to come.
How many children do you have, and what are their ages?
I have five children. My oldest Roman lives in Michigan and is 20. He is pursuing his bachelor's degree and lives in East Lansing full-time. My second son, Nico, is 17 and graduates Ridge High School this spring. He is choosing a college path which will be followed by the military. My daughter is 14 and is an incredible athlete. She plays softball and volleyball. She just began her high school journey My son Cole is 7 and loves sports. He wrestles and plays football and baseball. He is an advocate for facial differences as he as was born with a port wine stain birthmark and has had over 60 facial surgeries to keep his skin healthy. My youngest, Hunter, is an autistic sweetheart who loves preschool and video games. legos and hiking. I am beyond blessed.
What were some of the challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?
I have experienced great loss at a very young age. It shaped me into the woman that I am today. I have found my strength through those around me who have stood by my side never giving up on me, even in the darkest times. I have felt that the only way is to move forward, one step at a time.
What lessons did you learn about yourself throughout your journey?
I have learned that I am far more resilient then I thought I would be. When I was losing my father I realized that I needed to handle what was in front of me, alone. And as hard as that reality was, that was ok. I was enough and you know what? I did it.
How have you been able to prioritize your passion, purpose, and wellbeing alongside motherhood?
I'm winging it. All of it. And I have some wonderful friends who keep me going.
How do you define self-care and what does it look likee for you?
Self-care is when the kids are asleep, and I can have a drink and sit on the couch with my husband and relax.
Was there a time when you weren't aligned with your purpose or balancing yourself alongside motherhood?
Absolutely. As a public school teacher, I feared calling in sick or taking any time off. I gave my district all of me and little was left for my children. I am so glad that I realized that I was just a number to them filling in a room and I will never ever miss an event in my children's lives again.
What changes needed to be made in your life to allow you to live a life where you feel fulfilled?
I needed to get out of the mindset that I was part of this work matrix. I was fixated on working for others because I thought that was what I was supposed to be doing.
Share a moment of MOM GUILT, and what you do to manage it?
I don't have this. I have five kids. I learned early on to just do what I can.
What's your greatest Mom Hack that you have learned thus far in your motherhood journey?
Don't worry one damn thing about what the Jones are doing. And send your husband to all children's parties. You won't see me at any. ha!
Why do you think it's important for women to share their journeys and inspire other women?
Women HAVE to support each other. It's hard as hell to mother and work and cook and breathe and smile all the damn time. We need other women to lift us up when we are down and we even need them to sit in the trenches with us silently. This is it. We only get one go around this life.
What is one lesson or piece of advice you would like the community to learn from you?
LIVE YOUR LIFE. Life is incredibly short. Cherish your health and those around you who lift you up. Find your people, your logical family who love and support you, and honestly...don't worry about the rest.
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