The Next ChaptHER podcast

Welcome to The Next ChaptHER podcast — the place to explore, dream, and discover your next chapter! Hosted by professional life coach, educator, and storyteller, Andrea Hecht, this podcast introduces you to a community of inspiring women like you.

In each episode…

The Next ChaptHER is a twice-monthly podcast hosted by Andrea Hecht, who invites other experts to explore topics that matter to women, such as mom guilt, changing friendships, healthy communication with one’s children, financial independence, body and hormonal changes, embracing aging with grace, and more. Andrea’s mission is to help you become the best version of yourself, both in and outside motherhood. Andrea aims to help you inject purpose and well-being into your life so you can thrive as the person you were meant to be – the main hero in your life story!  Subscribe now so we can begin crafting your next chaptHER together!

Listen to all episodes here

Nicci Design Nicci Design

Reflections of a working mother as she enters her next chaptHER

I'm excited to introduce you to today's special guest, Pamela Haron, who also happens to be my inspiring mother.
During our conversation, we discuss Pam's experience as a working mother and her journey towards retirement. Pamela shares her teacher background and transition to a career in computer science. She also talks about the challenges of juggling work and family life, including a humorous story about picking up her son from school during a class. As Pamela approaches retirement, she reflects on her core values and her plans for the next chapter of her life.

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Andrea Hecht Andrea Hecht

Embracing Vulnerability and Building a Community for Mental Well-Being with Lindsay Thomason, founder of The Nanny League

Join me for another episode of The Next ChaptHER podcast, where we explore what it means to reclaim ownership of your time, well-being, and personal identity outside motherhood.
I'm excited to introduce you to Lindsay Thomason, a mother of two young children and the founder of The Nanny League, a company that helps families build the support system they need.

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What listeners are saying

Inspiring and Comforting. Listening to the Mom Guilt episode, I felt so seen. Great interview and engaging, thoughtful host! Looking forward to the next episodes!

Awesome!!! This is wonderful! Excited for more.

Super relatable! Loved the first episode and can’t wait for more! The host is so relatable and asked excellent questions to her guest.

Love this. Can’t wait to hear all the inspiring stories!

Already hooked. This is gonna be a good one!!

Helping women! Love the idea of helping women craft the next chapter in their story. Great first episode. Nice to hear the difference between the dream and reality. Can’t wait to see what comes next!

Get Featured on The Next ChaptHer

Andrea is inviting guests to share their expertise on the podcast as well as their stories through Instagram Live discussions. If you or anyone you know would like to inspire other women to reconnect with their personal identity beyond motherhood, the podcast wants to hear from you.    Please fill out the questionnaire, and the team will be in touch.

 Join The Next ChaptHER community. We would love to feature you on the podcast.